Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Disney and wicked stepmothers

My toddler, Lucy, seems to be erring on the side of everything "princess-y"lately.  Blame it on our proximity & weekly visits to Disneyland if you will.  She's only 20months old so doesn't really get it yet but as I read her the traditional fairytales, I can't help but notice the recurring role of wicked stepmothers.  And being a stepmother myself, I can't have my own child thinking we're all evil spell-casting witches can I?  I'm not sure I ever really noticed Walt Disney's longtime dislike for stepmothers before... So I did the only thing I could do, I changed the story.  Instead of wicked step mothers, we now talk about the wicked neighbor who poisoned the apple that poor Snow White bit into and that mean neighbor with the two mean girls who adopted Cinderella when her father didn't come home.   Now, if you read my previous post about a not-so-nice neighbor, you'll get the irony.   Hey, what goes around comes around, right?  There's plenty of wicked to go around in this neighborhood!

But as with everything, I also Googled it... turns out there are many cyber conversations about Disney's lack of mother figures & portrayal of step moms.  And did you know he was dyslexic?  There's a lot of angry and defensive people out there discussing how there are no mentions of a mother at all in The Little Mermaid and Beauty & the Beast.  And only wicked stepmothers in Cinderella, Snow White and don't forget poor Tangled up Rapunzel, if you consider the evil witch who hid her away in a tower for 18years, which, let's face it, if I'm going to lock anyone up in a tower, it will be my own little Lucy who's growing up much too fast already!

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