I've lived with these teenagers for nearly 4 years now. The boy has showered everyday, sometimes twice a day since I can remember. What he does during the 45 minute alone time in the shower is none of my business. (Suffice to say I never had a brother so I just as soon not think about it.) My teenage step daughter on the other hand, practically has to be threatened to get her in the shower. Her hair gets so oily, it looks wet. And the body odor is unbearable and reminiscent of my days living in the city. When I'd walk by an alley with homeless people. That burn your nose hairs stench.
Shocking? Not really, just refer back to my blog about the matted hair issue. I talk to other moms of teenage girls and this is apparently quite common. This species doesn't like to shower in general. Apparently one day, the switch is flipped and they start taking 45 minute showers too. I just hope that switch happens soon. The whole pleading with her to bathe is getting a little annoying. Ok, a lot annoying. I just don't get it. I grew up with 2 older sisters and there's no way my mother would let us get away with 2 days of not washing up. Which is the rule I apply to my 3 year old.